Good evening to you all,
I hope you are enjoying this fine weather we are having at the moment.
I thought I had better let you know what happened at this year’s AGM for those of you who were not able to make it.
The major thing that was agreed was that the subscriptions were agreed to be increased to £22.00 per month as from the 1st September. You all saw in Sharon’s report that we are experiencing increase in our costs, and if we let the subs stay the same, we will make a loss on the day to day running of the choir, as we had agreed at a previous AGM that any profits that were made from our concerts were to be used to purchase new music or equipment. It was felt that it was better to increase our subs yearly so we don’t have a big jump one year. This was carried unanimously at the meeting.
The Officers and Committee are staying virtually the same, although Maureen stepped down as our Secretary at the beginning of the year due to her health problems, and Louise stepped down at the beginning of July, as a Committee Member due problems with her son’s health, so we have Naomi Hollaway as our new Secretary, and we welcomed back Rebecca Williams as a Committee Member who will help Naomi with our bookings etc.
The Officers and Committee are as follows:-
Chairman – Eric Gerrey
Vice Chairman – Sarah Turl
Secretary – Naomi Hollaway
Treasurer – Sharon Thomas
Committee – Jerry Gamble, Margaret Ballard, Gen Marsh, Eunice Deuchar and Rebecca Williams.
Music Committee – Tony Jardine – Music Librarian, Hilary Green – Sops Rep, Maggie Jacobs – Altos Rep, Percy Knight – Tenor Rep, and Eric Gerrey – Bass Rep.
A couple of other things which will effect our rehearsals is that we will run from 7.30pm to 9.30pm, with a five minute break in the middle due to the problems members were experiencing with the night time closures of the M27, and that the auditions for the solos for our concerts will be held at least one month before the concert so that it will give the soloists time to rehearse and not put pressure on the persons organising the printed programme. It will also mean that Chris could have sometime after we finish are rehearsal to give the soloists some time to rehearse.
Well, that’s all for now, so I will see some of you at the Local Vocals during this month otherwise I will see you on 5th September when we start back with our Christmas programme.
Bye for now.