For the new Facebook Log In Read More I know some members have trouble logging in to the website. Remembering passwords and user IDs for various different accounts can be a problem. I have therefore looked at how I can help with this, and think I’ve come up with a solution that may help some of you. For those of you that have a Facebook account, you will now be able to log in with the click of a button. You may already do this with other websites, but if not, it really is quite easy. First, bring up the website and hover or touch “Members” in the menu bar and then go to “Log In With Facebook” (as show). This will open a page as shown below: Click on the blue box and follow the instructions to sign in with the “Nextend App” and the next time you should be able to log in to the website without entering any other passwords. Hope that helps in some way. hide
For logging in without Facebook Read More Some members are having problems logging in to the website – so lets try and help. Below are some instructions that should help you to log in even if you have very few computer skills. However you may need to write the instructions down (or print this off) unless you have enough skills to change between different tabs on your browser. You’ll know if you can do this – but probably best to write it down. You will possibly have been given 2 bits of information in an email sent to you previously. These are a Username and a Password. However don’t panic if you’ve forgotten or can’t find either of these, or indeed never received as I will explain how to get round this as you read on. If you move your cursor to the Members tab, a drop down tab saying Members Log In appears (as shown below) and either left-click on it using your mouse or tap on it if you are using a tablet, iPad, iPhone or other smart phone. When you do this another screen eventually appears again as shown below. This where you insert your Username and Password and then simply click or tap where it says Remember Me and then click or tap Log In. hide
I’ve Forgotten My Username Read More OK but you don’t know your Username! No problem – as it says – just enter your email address instead. hide
I’ve forgotten my Password Read More OK but you don’t know your Password! Again no problem. At the bottom you see Lost your password? Just click on this and this will take you to a reset page which will enable you to create a new password via email. Just follow the instructions. You will then receive an email with a link to reset your password. Clicking on this will open up your browser and you can insert a new password of your choice. You don’t have to use the suggested password but it will tell you whether your password is weak, medium or strong. It’s your choice but the stronger the password the more secure your information is and the security of the website in general. If at any stage you wish to change your password or check on or change your profile then just go to the top right hand corner where it says Hi,<Your-name> and a drop down list will appear with Edit My Profile as shown below. Just click or tap on this and you will be able to change your password or any of the other details we have on record. Well that’s it and I hope this has helped you get onto the Members page where you can download the music, check what’s happening in the calendar and view lots of other bits and pieces and photos and social events. Hope you enjoy it! hide